Build a better life today!
the unique marketplace of financial opportunities

Helping you to trade easier.

Create your world of financial well-being and share it with your family, friends and even strangers. Together we can show the world that making money is easy, fun and possible. Let’s debunk the myth that money-making is only for those hugely funded.

Get access to world's largest markets

Trade without borders or limits.

We offer an opportunity to earn to anyone and anywhere. We believe that everyone deserves financial well-being regardless of nationality, religious beliefs or politics.

Trade with no border limits. No matter where you are or where you are from. Pass through our unified KYC procedure and get access to all markets of your dreams!

Multiple brokers

Don't be limited to just one broker. We offer access to multiple brokers at the same time. There's no need to register with each separately.

Easy in - easy out

With us it is easy to get your money into the platform and get it out. Fund your trading account and withdraw your funds wherever you are.

Up to 0% in commissions

Brokers often claim they charge you 0% commissions. This is only partly true. It usually applies to certain types of transactions or certain trade volumes. With us you get transparent low fees. Always.

100+ trading instruments

Wide range of trading instruments of all types – from FOREX to commodities and cryptocurrencies.

Passive income strategy

At the platform we offer passive income strategies for those who prefer to play long-term.

Trading basecamps

A unique chance to learn how to earn even more with the best from the industry. Join the community to take part in events with most prominent traders and scholars.

5 ways to earn

• invest in publicly traded instruments
• join private offerings
• promote education programs
• create and enjoy passive income
• get extra income by promoting the platform

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We offer financial well-being through the following

Publicly traded instruments:

Publicly traded stocks
Publicly traded bonds and papers
Oil and Gas

Your Trading Mega-Mall

Imagine a mega-mall with tons of establishments. Now, imagine that all these establishments are the brokerage companies and firms, serving hundreds of thousands of traders around the globe. And you can go shopping at whatever part of this mall at will, as long and as much as you wish! This is what we are offering at our platform.

The trader is the centerpiece of the universe we are creating. We open the doors of the world’s largest exchanges to those who could not trade just a few months ago due to various reasons.

Borderless Freedom

Trade with no border limits. No matter where you are or where you are from. Pass through our unified KYC procedure and get access to all markets of your dreams!

With the unified KYC procedure you do not need to undergo the same process each time for every broker you want to trade with. This not only simplifies things but also keeps your data in one place.

Invest Thru The Best

All the best brokers under one roof, waiting for you. You can use any of the brokers we have on the platform. And guess what? All at the same time!

Don't be limited to just one broker with its set of market instruments. Utilize the power of multi-broker platform and invest through the best market players with their varieties of tools and options.

My Zero Is Less Than Yours

When you see "0% commission" at a brokerage website, this is a kinda tricky thing. Is it really so? This zero percent rate is applicable to certain type of deals only or up to a certain trade volume, etc. As a rule, the volumes after which you start paying commissions are insignificant.

We also apply the 0% commission rate to trades. The platform is charging commissions, but they start at volumes which are significantly higher than those of other brokers. Therefore, our zero is less than theirs.

My Bro Is A Pro

You might be not the best trader – yet. But you keep learning and you are constantly improving your own results. You get to know various trends and manage to understand market signals. But you still want more.

Follow the experienced traders and get the same results. You can copy their strategies and even mirror their deals – all is possible!

From Zero To Hero

Start from as low as $0, literally! Join the platform, invest NOTHING, sign up for the referral program, bring your friends in and get rewarded for this. Only then start trading! This easy!

Monetized Networking

Social networking money-making machine. Lead others, pool funds and gain more! Leverage the power of networking: form and lead a group of like-minded fellows and pool your funds to increase the buying power with lesser risks.
Matching Investment-Seekers And Investors

Private Offerings

Private companies' shares
Investment opportunities
Venture capital
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have invested a couple of hundreds of dollars into Mark Zuckerberg’s or Steve Jobs’ venture at the time, and have a small share in today’s profits. But you had no chance then… Now you do!

These instruments are specially for those who is able to foresee the future and appreciate the importance of early stage entry. They are for the people who want to invest long. This basically means that you will not get any profits right away, but instead your gains in the future may become unbelievably high.

We invite the most promising and advanced projects to the platform. By taking part in their private offerings you may be able to claim dividends in companies whose turnover exceeds billions of dollars!
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• Trading Academy
• Investment Academy
• ForEx Academy
• Digital Currency Academy
• Fundraising Academy
• Financial ABC Academy
• Fraud Prevention Academy

Whatever we start in life, right from the second we are born, we need some time to learn even the simplest things. When we were children we spent some time learning how to walk, read and write. Making money also requires learning. And as with any learning, it matters who and how teaches you.

This is exactly why we gather the most qualified speakers, trainers and mentors on the platform: they are able to teach even a baby some money-making techniques.

There is a number of academies where you will be able to learn how to make money using various instruments.

So learn how to make money with us!

Passive income

Referral Programs
Bonuses and Rewards
Social Group Trading
Auto Copy and Mirror Trading
Just admit it: the life-long dream is to have money appear by itself. There is even a special term for this: «passive income». But is there really any «passive income» or is it a myth similar to that of the flying carpet?

We have to debunk this myth here: there is no «passive income» in this universe! But there is an income formed through inertia. First you have to take an action, by this creating the energy of motion, and then, when you stop, you experience the results of that initial action. It is up to you what to call this: «passive income» or the income which is constantly generated as the result of your initial actions. You may continue to think about this while sitting in a comfy armchair having your favorite drink and observing how the actions you took in the past are increasing your well-being in the present.
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XPro Marketing Plan

Become a professional in financial world and receive up to 85% in commissions. Low entry point, high-quality trainings, modern business tools: all this will allow you to start your profitable business within first months.

Career Strategy Plan

Lead by renowned mentors, you will grow professionally, and in addition to the main compensation plan your career status will affects how much you earn. Easy-to-achieve qualifications will add to your regular commissions payouts.

Bonuses and Rewards

Get additional bonuses and rewards for each significant achievement in your career as a professional, and use them to trade or simply cash them out. It is never enough, and you can get even more!

Events and Awards

The events are a great way to get to know the business and become a partner. At the events we recognize the best and hand them the awards they have earned doing business with us.

What is it?

The Ambassador Program is the program which, in accordance with a special compensation plan, rewards those who is actively promoting the platform and its instruments.

The Ambassador Program is your turn-key business solution with minimal start-up costs. Free learning, developed financial and IT infrastructure, round-the-clock technical support and thoughtful mentorship – all is included.

All you have to do is to bring the news about the platform to the world around you. All this is very easy: just keep doing what you always do – recommend what you like to others. But previously you were not paid for this, and now you will be rewarded.
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How it works

Just a few simple steps:

Get started now


on the platform with the help of the Ambassador who invited you by using the license key


the development plan which suits you best.


the platform and its products to your friends and others


others to become the platform’s Ambassadors, same as you


rewarded for the work you have done